
We have a broad and exclusive selection of properties at For You Rentals: tourist apartments as well as residential rental housing, located in the city centre and the main residential areas. Our housing fits every client. We have fully equipped and decorated apartments to satisfy every taste and budget of tourists and company executives who visit Spain or Mexico for tourism or business, or just to live on them.

The way of living SpainThings to do in Spain

Museums and Great Libraries

Hundreds of museums and libraries around Spain that will make your visit an unforgettable stay.

Palaces, Castles, Parks and Gardens

Spain is full of parks and gardens that were part of Palaces, Castles and medieval dwellings.

Sports: Football, Golf, Sailing, Polo

Enjoy the best football stadiums like Santiago Bernabéu in Madrid. Hundreds of golf courses in Spain, Polo in Sotogrande, paradisiacal beaches in the thousands of Spanish coasts.

Culinary Tradition

Spain is well known around the world for its exquisite cuisine. Come to enjoy a great variety of typical and delicious spanish food. Paella, Salmorejo or even churros with chocolate.

Things to do in Madrid

National Museum of Prado, Thyssen – Bornemisza and Queen Sofía

Located right in the center of the city, in the Golden Triangle, they hold an impressive collection of art. Prado, the most important Spanish museum is considered to have the world's finest collections of European art, dating from the 12th century to the early 20th century. Queen Sofía holds one of Picasso’s masterpieces, the painting of Guernica, and Thyssen fills the historical gaps in its counterparts' collections..

The Buen Retiro Park

Come and walk through this park, visit its gardens, lakes and beautiful architecture. You can enter by Alcalá Gate, visit the great Crystal Palace, The Walk of Statues and the Rose Garden.

Madrid city of Theatres

In Madrid you will find a large theatre offering, form the great classics in the official circle, alternative plays in the off and even the top Broadway and West End’s shows

Walking in Madrid

Madrid is a city to wes una ciudad para recorrer y admirar. Each of its neighborhoods offer something unique. You can’t miss: Puerta del Sol, Plaza Mayor, Gran vía, el Templo de Debod, Lavapiés and Las Letras.

Cosas que hacer en CDMX

En el mapa turístico, la Ciudad de México cuenta con 217 museos, 9 sitios arqueológicos, decenas de teatros, galerías, parques, mercados, estadios, auditorios, cines y centros religiosos.

Capital Cultural de América

La Ciudad de México cuenta con 5 declaratorias de Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la UNESCO. Sitio obligado para los entusiastas del Arte y la Arquitectura.

Verdadero paraíso para los compradores

Desde coloridos mercados al aire libre con abundantes creaciones mexicanas tradicionales hasta boutiques exclusivas que ofrecen las últimas tendencias internacionales.

Experiencias Gastronómicas

En 2010, la gastronomía mexicana fue declarada Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial de la Humanidad por la UNESCO. La Ciudad de México cuenta con más de 1,500 restaurantes de clase turista, incluidos dos de los mejores 50 del mundo 2019.

Turismo de reuniones

Ciudad de México es el lugar perfecto para eventos MICE de cualquier tamaño. De acuerdo con el ranking de ICCA de 2019 la Ciudad de México se encuentra en el N°38 en el mundo y N°6 en América Latina y Norteamérica, por número de reuniones.

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